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Desclimer: The Healy device, a class 2 microcurrent medical device approved in Europe, comes with a disclaimer stating that its programs are not intended to cure, treat, mitigate, diagnose, or prevent any disease. The Healy World website emphasizes that its products are not acknowledged by orthodox medicine . While users share their health journeys with the device, it's crucial to note that these testimonials do not claim the Healy helped treat serious conditions like cancer, serving more as anecdotes rather than scientifically validated results. Additionally, the connection between Healy technology and health/wellness has not been extensively explored scientifically.

Meena V Shah

Suffered from Pain but now she is happy with healy

Mrs. Jhansi Rani

Before she was in a situation even she could not walk but after Healy therapy....  listen in her own voice


She is explaining How Healy Digital Nutrition Helped her Throat issues 

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Mr. Abbas

A frozen shoulder Person can get benefit with healy, just application of local joints frequency ...listen him

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